17th June

Vince, Callum, Jake, Nick, Tav, Mike, Duncan, Jon, and Sarah Payne.

Jon took Sarah on a tour of LoH&G, they later arrived at the dig after collecting the scattered digging tools from a variety of locations.

The rest of us continued with the digging, Jake and Tav upfront, Callum and Nick along the rift shuttling the full and emptied buckets back and fro. Me, Duncan, and Mike were on spoil disposal, Duncan in the dumping spot filling every nook and cranny with sediment. It was warm work, as ever, but there was plenty of banter and steady forward progress was being made.

Nobody was counting the number of buckets filled. Refreshments were enjoyed in the ravine following another productive digging session.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, Geologist, Speleologist!