Vince, Brockers, Jake, Nick, Tav, [Duncan arrived later to continue survey in showcave]
It has been a long time since Brockers joined a digging session in Wookey Hole, as guest of ‘honour’ this evening he was duly dispatched to the front to dig, not an easy task as it turned out. The end is rather constricted, obstructed by deposits of mineralisation, making excavation awkward and protracted, we will get through it, eventually. I was next in line clearing away the filled buckets and, in between, battering a lump of mineral vein in the floor with a sledgehammer. Unfortunately for Nick, he was stuck in ‘no-mans land’ without tools or any place for him to dig, just waiting for a bucket to arrive. Jake and Tav were busy on spoil management, emptying the buckets when they turned up and creating more space for ongoing redistribution of sediment. Still, it was an enjoyable evening.
We met Duncan in the entrance tunnel where he had been tidying up the cave survey. Together, we enjoyed refreshments in the ravine and reflected on the evening’s digging and plans for the day’s ahead.