27th May

Vince, Callum, Jake, Nick, Mike, and Duncan.

It was warm through the cave beyond Wookey 20, as usual. Picked up the mattock that was leaning against the wall near Fuzzy Wuzzy and proceeded down to the dig. Showed Callum where and what to dig then left him to it, Jake came up to clear away spoil/buckets, me and Nick were shuttling backwards and forwards with the filled/emptied buckets, Mike and Duncan were dealing with spoil management. It was warm work; some people pay for this kind of workout!

When you are busy, time passes quickly, and it was a productive evening. Refreshments in the ravine were well earned and it was very peaceful. And, as ever, it was ‘twat-free’!

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, Geologist, Speleologist!