27th January

Vince, Tav, Nick, and Jake

Assembled at the allotted time in a rather crowded car park (filming somewhere?) armed with drills of various descriptions and different tasks to undertake. Nick with his Makita 36v headed along to the current end of the dig to continue “diamond” mining with Tav, it’s just a tad constricted. Jake installed a drainage pipe into the lower spoil disposal zone to allow percolation of water coming from the upper-level pool. Me, armed with my Einhell 18v and a set of plugs and feathers, set about trying to widen access to an interesting looking slot above the [upper] spoil heap. It seemed simple enough, a bit awkward to get up to it, but doable. Unfortunately, things didn’t go according to plan and has to be marked down as a failure. Plugs and feathers were ineffectual in splitting the mineral vein, need to have a rethink. Packed my kit away and went along to see how the others were progressing. The passage is certainly wider on the approach to the dig-face, but the end is still constricted. Some more drill and hammer work to be done yet. Progress looks like it will slow for a while, plenty of time to work on widening the slot above the spoil heap. I will need to purchase some nice shiny tools for the job!

9 buckets of “diamonds” and 5 buckets of ‘mud’, 14 is one-third of 42, the answer to everything!