6th August

Vince, Duncan, Jon, Mike, Nick and Tav.

Back to the main dig!

Various activities were undertaken; Nick and Jon raced ahead to get to work in the “pit”, Duncan paid some attention to the alternative “phreatic tube”, Mike performed ladder antics while investigating roof tubes, Tav was ferrying filled buckets “hither and thither”. I was wall-building and attending to spoil disposal before being distracted and going to look at the “phreatic tube” which is beginning to appear more interesting. Space can be seen. Nick came to have a dig too.

Unfortunately, progress downwards in the “pit” seems to have pinched-out and probably not worth pursuing any further (at present). Never mind, it will make a nice water feature later in the year! A rethink will be needed here. In the meantime, we have the “phreatic tube” to follow and see how that develops.

Refreshments, and discussions, were taken in the ravine although the light was fading. We were a bit later than usual. Another jovial session.